Just to share with you.
Think I have found a reliable method for people suffering from persistent skin rashes (eczema, psoriasis etc).
Have tried them all. My rashes have nearly all disappeared. More importantly, they seldom surfaced again.
Try the following methods:
1. Go on the candida diet for two to three weeks (with strict discipline)
2. Drink a small cup of olive leaf extract lotion (to kill the yeast intestinal tract)
3. Take acidophilus (probiotics) and fish oil supplements daily
4. Drink plenty of alkaline oxidised water to neutralise the acidity in your body due to stress & improper food
5. Go for colon hydrotherapy to flush out the toxins from your gut
6. Eat food according to your own specific blood group.
7. Apply a mixture of organic extra virgin olive oil with rosehip seed oil& vitamin E to affected areas daily