Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cancer Prevention & Management

Cancer is not a life sentence
Cancer is not a death sentence, it is just signalling to your body that it is the time to change your lifestyle. As cancer usually take some time to develop, we would have just enough time to intervene and stop the tumour from developing to maturity. Do not see cancer as your “enemy” by trying to eliminate it immediately with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Cancer can be treated
There are serious side effects to normal healthy cells using current treatment. Change your mindset and diet first. Be kind to your own body, cancer is like your disobedient child, you do not try to kill but to use discipline to starve the ill-disciplined cells and use LOVE to heal them.

Foods can be medicine but drugs might not be. Nutrition therapy is a complementary approach to treat cancer as it helps to create an environment hostile to tumours. Preventing cancer through diet is equivalent to non-toxic chemotherapy because it makes use of the anticancer molecules present in food to fight cancer at the source before it reaches maturity.

People recovering from cancer
(avoid the following)
- Cancer cells feed on sugar, eliminate all white sugar & table salt.
- Milk causes the body to produce mucus that cancer cells feed on, organic oat & rick milk are good milk substitutes
- A meat based diet is too rich & acidic, they also contain livestock antibodies, growth hormones, and parasites, meat (especially pork) contains lots of dirty reddish energy
- Eel & catfish are scavengers and their meat is contaminated
- Processed foods are acidic and have lots of preservatives, additives, flavoring, and MSG
- Tea & coffee contain caffeine, cocoa drinks like Milo & Ovaltine are high in sugar & milk solids
- Tap water has high levels of chlorine & fluoride, also avoid recycled sewage water

(eat more of the following)
- Drink more green tea, unlike black tea, green tea contains large amounts of catechins, which have many anticancer properties
- Freshly crushed garlic have the best source of anticancer compounds to slow or prevent cancer cell growth
- Berries have abundant polyphenols that possess anticancer potential
- Broccoli & brussels have anticancer molecules to prevent carcinogenic substances that cause cell damage
- Turmeric contains curcumin to help prevent cancer from developing
- Omega 3 like eggs, salmon, and certain nuts as the fatty acids helps in cancer prevention
- Tomatoes have lycopene which has anti-cancer properties
- Soy products contain isoflavones to interfere with cancer development caused by high levels of hormones in the bloodstream

Other important lifestyle changes
- Quit smoking & drinking
- Take organic vegetarian food (ensure they are prepared without any gluton & MSG)
- Fast with juice or water (not for those with active cancer, liver, and kidney problems)
- Avoid BBQ food (carcinogenic)
- Exercise (to boost your immune system and to expel dirty/diseased energy from your aura)
- Meditate (to have inner peace & calmness to deal with daily stress)
- Forgive and let go of resentment and other negative emotions
- Visit the toilet everyday (to expel accumulated toxins in your gut), try colon hydrotherapy

“ The greatest threat to the survival of you and your family is not some horrific nuclear blast, catastrophic natural disaster, or a terrorist attack. It is what you are going to eat from your dinner plate tonight !!!” by Dr David Reuben, MD & Author, ”Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Nutrition

Source: Mr Oh Chong Fah, Kampong Senang, Foods That Kill, Foods That Heal by Dr Bircher Benner, and Foods That Fight Cancer by Drs Richard Beliveau & Denis Gingras

Monday, September 12, 2011

Go on a Vegetarian Diet

We are what we eat
The physical food we eat is the physical body we become. Occult science have proven that when flesh is assimilated as food, it will impart the characteristics of the animal it comes from.

Flesh food tends to increase our animal passions, making our physical, emotional, and mental bodies coarse and unpleasant.

A flesh diet is the cause of many diseases like cancer & intestinal worms, and should not be a remedy to recuperate from any illness. If we cannot avoid eating meat altogether, just avoid eating pork in every way, shape or form as they contain very dirty reddish energy.

We are eating dead flesh, and decay starts as soon as the animal is killed. Most meat consumed are from animals killed in a state of malignant disease living in harsh & inhumane conditions.

Hazards of eating meat
Negative energies of fear, stress, and anger torment animals in the slaughterhouse and these are stored in their meat while they are being killed. Apart from carcass poisoning, other toxins are produced from the refuse matters remaining in their intestines.

Steroids & antibiotics which are given to animals for fattening & immunisation are present in the meat we eat. Preservatives like sodium nitrate and other chemicals added to maintain the red colour of the meat will further poison us.

What is the difference ?
Vegetables do not suffer pain in being used as food. Our wounds heal more quickly and illness more readily cured among people who do not take meat. Our dental structure is designed to grind vegetables & fruits as we do not have fangs to tear & slash meat

Like herbivores, our intestines are three times longer compared to carnivorous. We take about two days for whatever we eat to be eliminated from our body. Do not make our body into a graveyard !!! (eg. imagine decaying meat lying at the corner of the house for 48 hours and see what happens).

Vegan diet provides energy too !
We get sleepy after a heavy meal of meat dishes compared to eating vegetables. For example, a snake sleeps for days after eating meat due to the heaviness of the meat which takes much energy to digest.

Flesh food provides protein readily, but it is also lost very quickly and the person does not get stamina in the long run. For instance, horses have more sustained power than any of the flesh eating animals.

The protein we need comes from the amino acid which in turn, comes from the grass the cow eats. Therefore we don’t have the eat the cow just to extract the protein that our body needs

Source: Understanding Crystal Power by Reza Regis, Vegetarian Society (Singapore), Centre for Inner Studies in Singapore

Be Lucky to Be Happy

Why be happy ?
Happiness is a choice, if you choose to be happy, you will be.

The happier you are, your energy level will vibrate at a higher frequency. You will attract good people, circumstances and things into your life like you are charmed or magnetic towards blessings.

You will be shielded from negative emotions, words, and actions directed towards you by others. Amazing ideas, hunches, and impulses will come to you when you least expect.

Your wishes will also manifest faster. Love is the first step to have more energy and bliss as love is energy in motion.

Positive & negative energies
Higher vibration positive energy (emotional freedom) is finer & lighter (makes us feel free & light, lower vibration negative energy (emotional burden) is denser & heavier (makes us feel trapped & heavy).

Positive thoughts & emotions lead to positive outcomes and situations in our lives, negative thoughts & emotions will lead to more undesirable things happening like tension, disharmony, and ill fortune.

Health is vibration, cool damp dark places with lack of airflow has low vibration to encourage growth of bacteria and other low life forms. Warm water is high vibration compared to cold water, hence warm water provides precious energy to recover from illness.

The law of attraction
The way we think have much to do with who we are and what we attract. We attract anything we hold in our mind, whether positive or negative, and what we create in our mind will manifest in physical reality.

When we focus on something, we give psychic energy to it to live, the more we place our mind on something, the more it lives, when we stop to pay attention, it will cease to exist over time.

Show gratitude, being grateful radiates a positive energy to people around while giving us a feeling of lightness. When we focus on our blessings, we send message to the Universe that we deserve those blessings, and we will receive even more.

Negative Forces
Negative forces can invade a home or a person's mental state or health. Some spirits or souls in darkness prey on people with similar physical or addictive conditions & problems. They create new problems, disrupt relationships, and cause severe depression etc. They only get attracted to people who are receptive to them, fearful & unhappy people tend to withdraw to have space for negative forces to occupy.

Remember ! Any fear, doubt, or cursing of our luck is also the creation of energy that will convert circumstances into reality. Therefore, be happy to be lucky.

Source: Living Life with Constant Energy & Bliss by John Rowland, Mind Reality by Enoch Tan, and Thought Vibrations by William Walker Atkinson