Monday, September 29, 2014

Cutting Unauthorised Energy Cords

We often form energy cords linking ourselves to other people when we think of them. These energy cords link our chakras to the corresponding chakras of another person. Conversely, when other people think of you, they also form unauthorised energy linkage to our corresponding chakras. Cut any unauthorised cords from your chakras as often as you like. Do it everyday in order to avoid being drained or contaminated. Cut them at your backhead chakra, spleen chakra, solar plexus chakra and sex chakra etc. Use visualization techniques during meditation or simply project divine energy to your hand & fingers to cut the cords. Remember, you are just cutting the cords and not the relationship !!! 

Light Versus Dark

There are four types of people as depicted in the above diagram. The best is the first type of people who are born in the light and go to the light. This is largely possible due to their past and present good karma which enable them to be born in a good environment to develop virtues and pursue the spiritual path. It is also important to have good friends around as a positive influence. Else, one might easily be influenced by bad or evil "friends" to go towards the dark side, even if one were to be born in the light.        

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Addiction to technology

Many people seem to be totally dependent on technology today. While it is good to be tech savvy and make use of technology to improve the quality of our lives, we have to be aware and beware of the dangers of over-relying on them. Else, we end up being too overly dependent on them, to the point of being too strongly attached to our smartphones, and addicted to them. All we have to do is to look around at people and most of them will be occupied looking at their little screens. It just makes me   wonder whether there are indeed technology elementals or entities around !