Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Self Image and Attitude

Pride is the greatest downfall of any spiritual disciple. It is highly important to know and acknowledge one's own strengths and weaknesses. By realizing his/her won capabilities and short comings, a person can develop inner confidence through a healthy self-image and good self-esteem. This will naturally be reflected in the person's attitude and behaviour.  One of my teachers used to say this, "I do not have to know how good your meditation is progressing. All I have to do is just look at your behaviour. From there, I can tell whether you have or not progressed in your spiritual practice".  The more confident a person is, the more humble a person should become. This is because he/she would be very well assured of his/her capabilities. Such people do not see the need to the envious of others nor do they have the urge to put other people down to make them look good.