I attended a one-day meditation retreat two weeks ago conducted by Luang Por Tiradharmmo. The key take-away lesson for me was the quotation given above by the Venerable. From what I understood from his teachings, wisdom is not a matter of choosing and seeing what you like to see and observe. This is because it has very much to do with your likes and desires, Seeking pleasurable sensual delights and pursuing them is not wisdom because one can easily get carried away by craving and attachment. In fact, this could be a form of delusion to be misled into thinking that all good things might last forever. This only leads to suffering and ensure a long term passport visa to samsara. So to develop wisdom, one should also see how one's mind is exposed to aversion too. Finally to see things as they really are is to see beyond the superficial. That is to see, know and realise that all things are impermanent, unsatisfactory due to their ever changing nature, and also non-self (lack of a permanent substance in there). Anyway, the concept of non-self has a deeper meaning to it which I would share on it another occasion. Just that it was interesting to note after attending a Theosophy talk on the subject of "Self and No-Self".