Sunday, December 3, 2017

Taking Care of the Physical Body

Spiritual and mental development is important. So is emotional health. While much is focused on physical health (proper diet, proper sleep, proper exercise, proper lifestyle), little is known about how the liver plays a critical role in our overall well being. I had thought that eating right is good enough but appartently it is not so. Years of accumulated toxins still remain in our system, and the only way to get of them is by going through a hard-core and thorough liver/gall bladder detox programme by Khun Kop of Tunya Samui. Not until I have tried it did I realised the crucial importance. I have never looked back since. There are plenty of information on it. But I would recommend that you google and read the softcopy book by Andreas Moritz on "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush". Available for download for free. Your life will never be the same again.