It is indeed a blessing of good karma to be on the spiritual path. While we can progress well in our meditation practice to realise certain spiritual experiences, it is more important to habitualise the virtues in our everyday life. All other people need to do is to look at our behaviour to determine whether we are genuine spiritual practitioners or not. It is no point being able to attain high meditative states of inner peace, tranquility & emptiness if we do not exhibit such a calm disposition in our dealing with people and situations outside of our meditative mode operating in the mundane world.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Be Your Own Fortune Teller
Trust your gut feel. Chart your own destiny. Do not be easily misled into believing that other people can read your life destiny, especially from dubious characters that pose as "credible" soothsayers or fortune tellers. There is no point trying to know about your past or predict your future. The best insurance you can have right now is to plant a good seed so as to reap a good harvest in the future. It could well manifest tomorrow or even in your next life time, nobody knows for sure. Therefore continue doing good and avoiding evil, and leave the rest to the law of karma to take effect.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Associating with the right company
It is very important to associate yourself with the right group of friends as they can strongly influence you in the right or wrong ways. There are two types of friends - true friends are wise & learned people; false friends can only lead you into ruins. Look out for the three characteristics of a good friend, which are those people with good thoughts, good speech, and good actions. On the other hand, associating with false friends can bring you serious trouble, or at the very least, your failure and wasted time & effort in dealing with them.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Seek Your Own Inner Peace
The less you respond to rude, toxic, argumentative people, the better it is for you because the more peaceful your life will be. But first, you must first find your own inner peace & harmony. And your inner peace cannot be dependent on external situations or people as they are subject to impermanence, unsatisfactory nature, and non-self. If you cannot find inner peace within yourself, you cannot find it anywhere else.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Cutting Unauthorised Energy Cords
We often form energy cords linking ourselves to other people when we think of them. These energy cords link our chakras to the corresponding chakras of another person. Conversely, when other people think of you, they also form unauthorised energy linkage to our corresponding chakras. Cut any unauthorised cords from your chakras as often as you like. Do it everyday in order to avoid being drained or contaminated. Cut them at your backhead chakra, spleen chakra, solar plexus chakra and sex chakra etc. Use visualization techniques during meditation or simply project divine energy to your hand & fingers to cut the cords. Remember, you are just cutting the cords and not the relationship !!!
Light Versus Dark
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Addiction to technology
Many people seem to be totally dependent on technology today. While it is good to be tech savvy and make use of technology to improve the quality of our lives, we have to be aware and beware of the dangers of over-relying on them. Else, we end up being too overly dependent on them, to the point of being too strongly attached to our smartphones, and addicted to them. All we have to do is to look around at people and most of them will be occupied looking at their little screens. It just makes me wonder whether there are indeed technology elementals or entities around !
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Avoid Anger, Hatred & Resentment
Be cool, stay calm and composed when you feel anger stirring inside you. All of us do get angry, but be mindful not to be overwhelmed by anger. Remember that when one are angry, one will always make bad decisions, say hurtful words, and do wrong things which one will much regret later on. Not to mention generating bad karma for oneself. When looked at clairvoyantly, dark gross energy usually surrounds the aura of an angry person. And if the person repeatedly gets angry most of the time, it might result in a vicious cycle of hatred & resentment. The danger is that this might draw in and attract the negative elements, which would give problems to manifest as bad luck.
Train Your Mind
While it is important to train our physical body to be fit and healthy to function well in daily life, we should not neglect to train our mind. Many people seem to be obsessed with keeping fit and looking good. And often they do not realize that their physical body will gradually decline with age and sickness. However, with mental development through proper study and meditation, our mind will never decline as the years go by.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Mindfulness means being fully aware of your every thought, emotion, and action in real time. Enjoy being in the present moment, without getting wired to think about the past and the future. The past is already gone and the future yet to come. Hence, your thoughts about the past & future are delusions, they are unreal imaginary thought forms created by your mind to deceive you. By focusing on the existing moment, you will be able to focus on achieving the stillness to help you on the spiritual path.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Nothing last forever. Whether they are tangible or intangible. There are two kinds of suffering - that of the body and mind. The body is always changing. Suffering is inevitable due to old age, sickness, disease, and death. However, our mind can be free of suffering by not being attached to our body. Nonetheless, our physical body is important as it allows us to do many activities. But training, developing, and cultivating our mind is even more important.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Law of Change
This is the law of the cycle of change, nothing stays the same. The more we accept this truth, the less we tend to suffer from hanging on to the inevitable. See this as a new beginning to embrace change for the better. But first, learn your lessons, cultivate your virtues, and do good to earn good merits to be karmically entitled.
Nothing in this world is permanent, whether good times or bad. Know the three universal characteristics - impermanence, unsatisfactory nature, and non-self. In light of the recent tragedies, do remember to keep your calm and send merits to the victims on their journey to the next world. Just think of their bodies as being made up of the four elements and the 32 parts, and they are now reunited with nature once more. Make use of this lifetime to lead a meaningful life, that is to 1) avoid evil, 2) do good, and 3) purify your mind.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Think Positive
Energy follows thought. Be optimistic. Generate good thought forms to manifest positive outcomes into reality. At the same time, having a positive frame of mind will also lead to positive higher emotions when the heart chakra is activated. Hence you enjoy nice feelings like joy, happiness, warmness, sweetness, and tenderness.
Be Well & Happy
Angels and devas are naturally drawn to help people who are genuinely happy. It is also important to develop good virtues to entitle you to receive their blessings. If you have a clean and bright aura, they will be attracted to you. Remember, light attracts light.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Building a Strong Aura
Be happy. Having good thoughts and positive emotions help you build a strong immune system. This is because your aura, chakras and health rays will be in a better position to ward off potential diseases and negative energy contamination. It will be useful if you learn how to form protective energy shields for yourself and your loved ones
Friday, July 4, 2014
Be Happy to Attract Positive Blessings
“Happy go lucky”. The more happy you are, the more you will attract good people and positive outcomes into your life. When you are truly happy, your energy level will vibrate at a higher frequency. The higher vibration produces positive energy which is finer & lighter to attract blessings into your life.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
We are Being Tested
Be appreciative and grateful towards people who are nice to you. At the same time, do not harbour any anger or resentment to those who are nasty to you. In any case, try to generate as much positive karma as you can.
We will always be tested time and time again until we learn our lessons. Else, subsequent lessons will be more painful. Therefore, always be mindful to keep your cool.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Theme on Forgiveness
We have to move on with our lives. The past is over and the future is yet to come. No point dwelling on the past because it is like excess baggage to weigh you down. You will also lose energy by getting upset or angry about past situations to affect your mental, emotional and physical health. There is no point to suffer unnecessarily at all.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Conquer Thyself
Conquer your own mental defilements first. It is You versus You. And remember that you are your greatest enemy. Recognise your own shortcomings and do your best to conquer them instead. Do not spend time criticizing or condemning other people. Because others have to go through their life lessons according to their own individual karmic obligations.
Spiritual Pride
Eliminate pride as it is the greatest downfall of any disciple. Remember that you are only a humble divine healing instrument. It is no point bluffing yourself as to how high you have attained in terms of your skills, knowledge, or meditative experiences. People will just have to observe your conduct and behaviour to really determine where you are. Walk the talk and be a role model instead.
Friday, June 27, 2014
The Importance of Showing Gratitude, Respect & Love to the Divine
For those who believe that there is a Creator God, then it is GOD. For those who do not believe that there is a Creator God, then consider it as Cosmic Energy. By showing reverence and connecting to the above, you can then experience spiritual or divine energy pouring down through your crown chakra to distribute throughout your whole body
The Road to Enlightenment
The journey towards enlightenment can be real hard work. Avoid evil, do good and purify the mind is just the basic foundation. Adhering to the precepts, developing the virtues, and purification are important. Knowing the dharma is not enough. You have to do chanting and practice meditating. It is like the holy trinity.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Be patient towards all beings
Not everyone of us is on equal footing in our spiritual journey. Much has to do with past karma and diligent practice. Count yourself lucky to have the right Teachers and the right spiritual schools. Use your wisdom and discernment to choose the right discipline.
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