Monday, March 2, 2015

Teaching of All Buddhas

This is the universal teaching of all Buddhas, that is 1) avoid evil;  2) do good; 3) purify the mind. First what is evil ? Here it refers to mental states associated with the roots of evil, namely greed, hatred and delusion which brings forth a host of problems that we see in our world today. This often result in unnecessary pain and suffering though various conflicts. Second what is good ? Good here means combating the above three roots of evil with generosity, loving kindness and wisdom respectively. It is also about putting your mind in a wholesome state of calm, harmony and inner peace. Third what is purifying the mind ? Here it means mental cultivation through the practice of meditation to still the monkey mind. Remember that the whole mental development is geared towards the mind. This is the special domain in Buddhism as the last three of the noble eightfold path actually refers to meditation - right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.  

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