Saturday, February 6, 2016

Generating Bliss

You can only experience bliss when you have inner peace and harmony, which in turn brings about a good sense of well being and happiness. At the lower mundane level, it is about feeling good about oneself through some accomplishment or helping others in need.  This probably arises from a healthy self-esteem or self-image. At the higher spiritual level, bliss is achieved from having a good meditation session. This is a result of feeling very light hearted and energetic. If you are more sensitive, you can feel your aura and chakras expanding. This type of intense happiness is very much more lasting than the ordinary type of happiness because it transcends beyond the mind. The ordinary type of happiness can only be gratified through our six sense bases of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and mind - which is very impermanent, unsatisfactory, and non-self (conditional).    

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