Monday, March 28, 2016

The Five Spiritual Powers

In Buddhism, the five spiritual powers are also known as the five spiritual faculties. These five powers can simply be considered as virtues to be cultivated. First, one has to cultivate strong faith FAITH in the Triple Gem (the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha). Second, one needs to develop the drive, effort or ENERGY to keep the mind free from unwholesome mental states. Third, one needs to develop and practice MINDFULNESS, so as to have the mental awareness to restrain being caught up or distracted by the various sensory impressions. Fourth, one needs to train a mind that is CONCENTRATED, that is to be still and stay focused so that it can be sharp, clear and light to experience calmness and tranquility. And fifth,one needs to develop intuitive WISDOM so as to be able to see, understand & realise dharma. To gain all these powers, one has to do three things: 1) study the dharma; 2) adhere to the precepts; 3) do regular meditation.  
the drive, the effort to keep mind pure

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