Unlike conventional wisdom which normally equates to intellectual knowledge, the wisdom that the Buddha advocates is intuitive wisdom. In the science of energy healing, the chakra responsible for intuitive wisdom is the forehead chakra. It is not determined by how intelligent you are, how smart you are in terms of IQ or EQ, or how high is your academic or professional qualifications. Here, the purpose of wisdom is direct knowledge or full understanding that leads a disciple to see, realise, and taste dhamma towards the goal of total liberation or nibbana, That is the eradication of all mental defilements and letting go of all attachments. Else the craving energy will lead to many rounds of rebirth and suffering. To help develop your wisdom, there are four things which you need to do, and they are 1) associate with the wise e.g noble friends or members of the sangha; 2) listening to good dhamma to gain the right understanding of the three universal truths and the eightfold path etc, ; 3) careful attention or mindfulness; and 4) behave in accordance with the dhamma e.g. adhering to the five or eight precepts.
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