Mindfulness of breathing means the whole body is "breathing" in a concerted way. The result is total relaxation and you will feel very comfortable, very much like being in a blissful state. To achieve this, you will have to 1) still or quieten your mind to shut out stray thoughts. Bring your awareness to back to your body is one way to do this. 2) challenge yourself to relax your body more and more. Be in a comfortable position to ensure your body is upright with your spine straightened. Even then, you can feel your body getting softer and softer. 3) when your mind is relatively still and your body relaxed, you will find that your breathing will become more and more gentle to the extent that you will feel very little air through your nostrils. All three factors support one another. In the process, you can sometimes feel the energy build-up in your aura expanding outwards and upwards. That is also the time when you can feel the bliss. You can use this blissful state to heal your body. Visualise energy downpour coming down from above to permeate your whole body and when you exhale, visualise the used-up energy coming out from the pores of your skin. And to sustain the bliss, you need mindfulness to keep the momentum going. This bliss is not something money can buy. It is free and you can tap on it whenever you want, provided the above three conditions are met.
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